A community of tiny change makers, working together to help young minds feel better.

Scotland's first national youth mental health charity.

We’re Tiny Changes – a small team based in Scotland, supporting young leaders to run innovative youth mental health projects in their communities. We supported 14 projects across Scotland in 2023, and recently unveiled our new strategic plan.

Building a community.

Since 2019 we have built a community of tiny change makers, people from all walks of life, young and old, with a shared goal to transform young people’s mental health in Scotland.

We are joining together to share stories, ideas and hopes for a better future. As a collective community we are strong.

You can get involved by donating to us, fundraising for us, and following us on social media to help share our story. No matter how you contribute, with your support we can create real positive change for young people.

Raising voices.

We listen to the views and experiences of young people to influence our learning. We raise our collective voices to improve understanding of young people’s mental health, reduce stigma and discrimination, and to inform people in power to deliver long-lasting change.

In 2024, we will employ five young leaders to launch and run Tiny Changes’ projects across Scotland. We will do this by collaborating with people and organisations who share our goals.

There is so much positive energy in all of you and we want spread that hope through our work.

Every voice matters and standing together makes us louder. Join our conversation today.

Inspiring change.

We raise money to fund ideas that make young people feel better. Ideas that change attitudes, deepen understanding, or provide much-needed support to young people in communities all over Scotland.

Our two goals are to invest £1 million in young people’s mental health and to support 10,000 children and young people by the end of 2026. We’re committed to finding solutions that work for young people.

With services forced to turn children away on to long waiting lists and suicide the leading cause of death in young people age 5 -24 in Scotland, against a backdrop of financial, environmental and inequality crises, young people need our support now more than ever.

We believe that Scotland can do better and together we need to disrupt the way things are.

Together, we’ll make tiny changes to earth.

Keep up to date with our latest news.