Behind the scenes, a small team, Board and lots of volunteers make our work possible.

Meet the Tiny Changes Team

Refilwe McCracken, Interim CEO

Filo is Tiny Changes’ Interim CEO. The Chief Executive is responsible for planning, financing and directing the charity’s work. As we’re a small team, Filo also manages staff, leads finance, fundraising and marketing, and works closely with our Trustees, project leaders and young advisors.

Filo joined the team as a young consultant under 30 back in 2020, went on to become Operations Manager, and helped build our foundations as an equalities-driven, agile and youth-led charity.

Tom Johnson, Community and Events Coordinator

Tom is Tiny Changes’ Community and Events Coordinator. He leads community engagement, volunteering, events and fundraising. 

Tom joined the staff team in 2022 and has helped grow our community of tiny change makers through different communications, partnerships and events.


Raj Jeyaraj, Interim Operations

Raj is leading interim operations for Tiny Changes. The main focus of his work with the charity between May and October 2024 is on recruitment of five new staff under 30 who will co-produce and run five new Tiny Changes mental health projects.

In addition to co-production, Raj will help keep everything across the charity running smoothly, from finances and fundraising to HR and governance.

Kara Brown, CEO (on maternity leave)

Kara is Tiny Changes’ CEO.

Click here to find our more about Kara’s role and the young people who inspire her.

Find out more about how Kara worked with the Hutchisons and friends to build Tiny Changes, and her current work on her Instagram @karahartley

Our Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the overall control and governance of our charity. They meet at least four times a year with the CEO and spend time with Wavemakers and team members in our work to help young minds feel better.

Over 65% of our Board are women. Our Board is intergenerational – aged under 22 to over 70 years old.

We have 6 Trustees – Aine Lovedale (Co-Chair, Manager, National Lottery Community Fund Scotland), Ami Anderson (Co-Chair, Series Producer, STV Children’s Appeal),  John Todd (Treasurer, former Partner, Johnston Carmichael), Ali Whitty (MD, Erskine Arts), Dionne Hossack (Student Nurse, Activist) Marion Hutchison (Scott’s Mum, Founding Trustee.)


We are building a network of young volunteers, staff and activists under 30 to make sure that young people are at the heart of all of our work.

Sign up by emailing or sending us a DM. Follow @WavemakersHub on Instagram if you’re under 30 and would like to find out more.

Extra Support

We’re currently working with consultants Heather Belmonte (Virtual Assistant), Ellie Hutchison (M&E), Lindsey Davidson (Digital) and others including press, marketing and design experts to deliver our work.

Are you a talented person looking for an exciting new project? Get in touch with us on to register your interest as a volunteer, consultant or agency.

Be part of something special

If you share our passion for improving young people’s mental health and have time, money or resources available to support the cause, we’d like to hear from you. We post all job and volunteer vacancies on our blog – so keep an eye on that too.

Together, we’ll make tiny changes to earth.