Small ideas with big impact.

Welcome to the Make Tiny Changes Fund application. Our interactive form means you can skip, save or get in touch with us to ask for help at every step of the process. There are five sections, each detailing what you may need and how long it may take to complete.

We can’t thank you enough for sharing your idea with us!

1. Getting to know you

2. We're listening

3. Let's get creative

4. The nitty gritty

5. Review and send
















Let’s start with getting to know a little more about you...

Time 5-10 minutes
You will need
  • Your contact details
  • The details of your group or charity
  • The contact details of an adult (if under 16).

Let’s take a walk through your brightest thoughts.

Time 40-60 minutes

You will need Your idea and your own creativity.

A little guidance Write as much or as little as you like. If you prefer to speak, sign, draw or create you can upload a video or other media to further support your idea in the next section. If you would rather only submit media files please click ‘Skip to Section 3’.

Time 5 minutes

You will need Any media that you want to upload in the correct formats. Accepted file formats are DOC, PPT, PDF, JPG, GIF, PNG with a max file size of 20MB. You can use video, by uploading it onto Vimeo or Youtube and supplying us with the link.

A little guidance Take a moment to think about your idea. Did you tell us everything you wanted to or did you find it hard to express how much this means to you? Then here is your chance to do things differently. Maybe you need to talk, sign, draw, move or create to express yourself. Whatever works best for you works for us.

If you need a reminder of the questions we would like you to answer click on ‘review questions’ to guide your media submissions.

Now we need some details on the funds you are applying for.

Time 10-20 minutes

You will need You will need to have any budgeting information you have available on your idea (what you will spend the money on and what other funding you might have to support it). Don’t worry if you don’t have this, we can help you work it all out later.

Well done NAME, you made it!

Time 5-15 minutes

A little guidance This last section gives you the opportunity to review your answers before you submit the application. There’s still time to change or add anything. Just make sure to submit before the deadline, which is outlined in your email invitation.


Section 2 Questions

Tell us in a couple of short sentences what your idea is.

Now tell us as much as you can about your idea. What do you want to do and how will you do it. Is there a problem that you think needs solved? Or something you think should be happening that isn’t? When do you want to get started on making this happen and how long do you think it will take?

How will your idea benefit your community? If you have any experience or research to support your idea tell us about it here. Don’t worry if not, because hope and passion is more than enough.

Tell us about the things you need to make your idea happen. What do you think might make it difficult to bring your idea to life? For example, what people, resources, technology and space will you need?

There are some words we use to describe the key values behind Tiny Changes. Which of these words do you think best reflects your project . You can choose more than one.

  • Kind
  • Positive
  • Courageous
  • Innovative
  • Honest
  • Challenging

Explain why

Is there anything else you want to tell us that you think will support your application?

If you can, please provide the email address of someone who would be willing to provide you with a reference in support of your application.

There has been a problem with your application. Please get in touch so we can help.


Well Done...

Well done! Your application has been submitted.

You should now receive a confirmation email. We will be back in touch as soon as we have reviewed the applications with the youth panel. Thank you again for sharing your ideas and helping us to make young minds feel better. Together, we’ll make tiny changes earth.

Back to Tiny Changes

Getting to
know you

Back to Section 1

We're Listening

Back to Section 2

Let's get creative

Back to Section 3

Make it happen

Back to Section 4